Diogenes walked back and forth a few times → repetition was/is possible repetition = a decisive expression for ‘recollection’ knowledge is recollection, life is repetition Leibniz: repetition and recollection are the same movement, just in opposite directions recollection’s love is the only happy love Hope / Recollection / Repetition
pretty girl slips away / older woman never quite suits the moment / beloved wife of whom one never tires new attire, not yet tried / discarded clothing one has outgrown / snug and never worn requires youthfulness / requires youthfulness / requires courage to will only coward / only voluptuary / man and human being he who does not grasp that life is repetition has condemned himself to death repetition is the daily bread that satisfies through blessing when one has circumnavigated existence, then it will become apparent whether one has courage to understand that life is repetition and the desire to look forward to this. he who has not circumnavigated life before he has begun to live will never really live he who has circumnavigated life but become sated has a poor constitution if god himself had not willed repetition, there would never have been a world separat-votum (private opinion) repetition is actuality and earnestness of existence DEEP EMOTIONS ALWAYS DISARM THE OBSERVER IN A PERSON. THE DESIRE TO OBSERVE COMES ONLY WHEN THERE IS AN EMPTINESS IN THE PLACE OF EMOTION, OR WHEN EMOTIONS ARE COQUETTISHLY CONCEALED. WHO COULD BE SO INHUMAN AS TO WISH TO OBSERVE A PERSON WHO PRAYED GENUINELY WITH HIS WHOLE SOUL? WHO WOULD NOT RATHER FEEL PERMEATED BY THE FLOOD OF THE WORSHIPPER’S DEVOTION the great advantage of recollection is that it begins with loss. this is its security - it has nothing to lose he who knows how to keep silent discovers the ability to express everything in his secret language
no sigh is so deep that he does not have laughter that corresponds to it in this secret language no entreaty so obtrusive that he is not clever enough to redeem it