
a little matter of definitions

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a-deconstruction-in-a-quad/spooky action at a distance

This coefficient of consciousness is perhaps as far as man is able to see and confirm with science and faith. What, if anything observable extends beyond it cannot be known. Just as the spatio-temporal awareness of an ant is limited, so is human awareness bounded by it’s own rationality. This is also well established.

In other words, to paraphrase a dumbed down Wittgenstein, an infinitesimally small oberservable universe is all there is, that is the case.

To use a math analogy the limit of function of the universe tends to zero as the input (awareness) tends to reach its highest potential.

All those historically successful in finding “god” by any means (nirvana, bhakti, esctasy by way of transecndental experience, communion with god), report some kind of unity at the end of their searches. usually a word/sound/symbol (om, yaweh, allah etc). The rest is just history/narrative, stories, rules and conventions formed around this fact. Plurality and polythiestic arguments spawn to prove this monothiestic point. Wherein, once again we have a reference to a kind of multiplexing/demultiplexing of spirit as a signal.

I hesistate to call this “revealed knowledge” because it seems to me to be common sense aided by extra feedback, thanks to my rather unique posisition in the grand scheme of human evolution. But it isn’t fair to say that my perch, whatever it may be, has aided in attainment of this knowledge. It merely confirmed and reinforced these ideas.

This primordial state looping on itself is consciousness, travelling within itself, occasioning qualia, birth, and as a discontinuity in the difference - death.

This movement is a difference because the output is negative

In a more logico-formal deressing, a finite state machine with only one state - a self-refrential one.

This is true both of the world outside us, and the world within. In that, just as space is looping on itself, as is consciousness, giving rise to the apparition of the self - a relation that relates itself to itself[1], by language primarity these days [normative implications].

[1] Rick Roderick, The Self Under Siege: Philosophy In The Twentieth Century

🚡 standard fruedian, lacanian, jungian terms are to be interpreted in the traditional sense 🛕 all religious/theological terms are to be interpreted in their respective, traditional sense ⚛️ all usage of thermonuclear/newtonian/quantum physics, as well as engineering terms are to be interpreted per latest accepted standards 🧠 all philosophical terms are to be interpreted usually, wherever i have purposefully performed semiotic surgery on a word - using script or spelling, i will elucidate

thoughts are repetitive to the point that they can be “prefetched”, action in any direction, no matter the circumstances