
1. spooky action at a distance, almost exclusively

  1. "revealed" "knowledge" (a-deconstruction-in-a-quad/spooky action at a distance, feedback and strange loops, language as a lorenz attractor (deep structure, indeterminacy of translation), finite state machines (consciousness as a language, language as social art), paradigmatic efficiency of a functional view of the universe, twice born vs born again aka recursion, epistemological idealism* and science, nature of time and knowledge in myth, socrates’ trial and plato’s cave, the phenomenology of vision or why the brahmin appears as brahmin, the nuclear premise of brahminical might and supremacy, reduced stature of brahmin in modernity, trinities and their hierarchies, i and thou: the two ends of a mantra, the dogmas of instrumental reason, sense data and its filters, jacob’s ladder)

if you are caught in the other’s dreams you are done for!
-Gilles Deleuze - Beware of the other’s dream