closure: a function along with a reference to the environment in which it is created.
Closures allow a nested function to access the declarations inside the containing functio
At this point, we know how the scope is resolved, and the different scopes are linked together, forming a chain that is known as the “scope chain.” But have you wondered how different scopes are linked?
The answer is the hidden internal slot named [[Environment]]
This [[Environment]]
internal slot exists on the functions, and it contains a reference to the outer scope/environment.
In other words, this internal slot contains a reference to the scope on which the containing function has closed over or formed a “closure”
There are many hidden internal slots⁸¹ mentioned in the ECMAScript specification. The specification uses these hidden internal slots to define the required behavior. These hidden internal slots, just like abstract operations, may or may not be actual things that are implemented by the different JavaScript engines.
When the inner function is invoked, the value of the [[Environment]]
slot of the inner function is saved in the [[OuterEnv]]
internal slot of the environment created for the execution of the inner function.
slot on the function object
for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
// 4 4 4
call is invoked after the loop execution has completed value of variable i after the last iteration of the loop is “4
has a closure over the same variable i
, all three of them see 4
as the value of the i
for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
// 1 2 3
for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
// 1 2 3
it is now possible to have private fields and methods⁸⁴ in JavaScript. However, before these changes were introduced in the language, closures were the go-to option for hiding data from public access.
In object-oriented programming terminology, this is referred to as data hiding
and encapsulation
we can have private variables and methods using closures
The code inside the IIFE is executed, and an object is returned from the IIFE that is assigned to the variable.
The object returned only contains the data that needs to be accessible from outside the IIFE.
The code that is meant to be private is not returned; as a result, that data remains private, limited to the boundary walls of the IIFE.
However, thanks to closures, publicly exposed data that is returned from the IIFE can still access the private data inside the IIFE.