
Chapter 12: Best UI Experience: Material Design in Action

12.1 What Is Material Design?

12.2 Toolbar

12.3 Navigation Drawer

12.3.1 DrawerLayout

12.3.2 NavigationView

12.4 FloatingActionButton and Snackbar

12.4.1 FloatingActionButton

12.4.2 Snackbar

12.4.3 CoordinatorLayout

12.5 CardView Layout

12.5.1 MaterialCardView

12.5.2 AppBarLayout

12.6 Pull to Refresh

12.7 Collapsible Toolbar

12.7.1 CollapsingToolbarLayout

12.7.2 Optimizing Using of System Status Bar

12.8 Kotlin Class: Creating Utils

12.8.1 Find Max and Min in N Numbers

12.8.2 Simplifying Use of Toast

12.8.3 Simplifying Use of Snackbar

12.9 Git Time: Advanced Topics in Version Control

12.9.1 Branch

12.9.2 Work with Remote Repo

12.10 Summary and Comment