
Chapter 10: Work on the Background Service

10.1 What Is Service?

10.2 Android Multithreading

10.2.1 Basic Use of Thread

10.2.2 Update UI in Worker Thread

10.2.3 Async Message Handling Mechanism

10.2.4 Use AsyncTask

10.3 Basic Use of Service

10.3.1 Define a Service

10.3.2 Start and Stop Service

10.3.3 Communication Between Activity and Service

10.4 Service Life Cycle

10.5 More Techniques on Service

10.5.1 Use Foreground Service

10.5.2 Use IntentService

10.6 Kotlin Class: Advanced Topics in Generics

10.6.1 Reify Generic Types

10.6.2 Application of Reified Type in Android

10.6.3 Covariance and Contravariance

10.6.4 Contravariance

10.7 Summary and Comment