
What do you need privacy for? There’s nothing there everyone hasn’t already seen, within or without. True privacy is religion.

Privacy is an anachronistic concept, closet communists substitute it for religion, while true communists use it without batting a lash.

Secrecy is privacy’s evil twin used mostly to cause harm and on rare occasions to deliver surprise.

Harm and surprise, both are functions of the ego, and both are arms of war.

To do away then, with the need to surprise, can help us see the futility of causing harm. Bringing down conflict on a global scale.

True freedom is in spontaneity and chaos, discipline tries to emulate, habits restrict, laws suffocate.

There are more varieties of greed than you can imagine. Some of them more non-violent than others.

An anthropocentric model of the universe is fact until proven otherwise, and is the ultimate self-assertion of human consciousness. it is a falsifiable hypothesis.

Glad to be the only person alive whose existence could not acknowledged by the so called “masters of the universe”, was eating fine before you came along, sir. Don’t push it, but do continue to blame me without naming me.

if you are trying to perfect a person after you discover him, it is likely there is envy