

who’s the better con artist: bhappe vs heathens edition

who hurts more: the guy who caught his hand in a car door (on a winter’s day) or the guy who stepped on a lego brick (on a winter’s day)?

lets see how far a failure to recognize an absentee landlord can get us

Orchard House: three rose-tinted glasses on the table

still more freedom in maths than in any social sciences or even PCB

would you rather believe a man WITH a pot to piss in or without?

are you beholden to anyone?

believe in questions, not answers

vigilant -anyone trying to play mind games is trying to distract from the mission

take no small favors, if your life is spared, be content

“as you were”

there’s going to more anger created in you by others, dissolve it and the moment you cannot dissolve it, exit

if you ≠ your thoughts, then you ≠ thoughts = YOU! or you - your thoughts = 0

to the man that tasted the ultimate, how can the less than ultimate suffice, if it does he’s lying? not quite, just like a man who has tasted the most expensive sake can still enjoy a cheaper bottle.

experiment: officially go stateless. on second thought: don’t. Thanks Uday.

there are only three things i see people winning here : snoozefest, politics on the snoozefest, and apocrypha

observe if you will, how the content of the senses is beneath you. so beneath you that you are compelled to call it a dream. now the question is, if it is all dreams, which dreams to respect? failure is a dream, rebellion is a dream, tragedy is decidedly a dream, freedom is the biggest dream of them all, success a close second. sense organs are nothing more than dealers of dreams, real life begins once you quit the addiction to sense data. seeing it as something separate, something that interfaces with consciousness (biochemically explained) and space-time in parallel. this is the new hypocrisy, it is the same as the old hypocrisy, but it arrived more recently.

only a man with an incomplete worldview can get angry? not quite, but people with parochial ideals are more likely to succumb to the temptation.

even if this MKULTRA mind control/nudge BS is screwing up with the narrative, when it is amply clear negative motivation does not work (esp. in my case), why quit smoking?

for the heck of it / politics / stir the pot

for braking old narrative

out of respect (for yourself, passive smokers) health

(more) time

for better things like making better decisions

for meditation and recovery

new habits/hobbies

satisfaction of having brought about lasting change in the body

win some PR / goodwill (not having this isn’t a disadvantage)

more energy

invent a publicly proven model of behaviour change

extra credit / self actualisation


reasons against (fewer but qualitatively superior)

ego / identity crisis / stirred pot

end up proving mind control

difficult, can’t force it : violence against ego will inflate it

effort-to-reward ratio is negative in the short term

small battle with big -ve consequences on each loss, fight bigger battles against yourself. focus on adding new habits rather than removing old ones

possibility of further ugly manipulation by those who will think that they have won/lost because of this

masturbation frequency

0 politics

i have given them only my privacy but taken from them their morality, fair deal some would say.

death emerges

the reason this episode of black mirror sucks is that y’all watching duck tales

self-flaggelation, why was i thinking about it?

Theodore Millon has proposed four subtypes of masochist.

not water-tight compartments

Self-defeating personality disorder (also known as masochistic personality disorder)

check all boxes


“avoid or undermine pleasurable experiences” → not really

be drawn to situations or relationships in which they will suffer → not anymore

prevent others from helping them → circular reasoning, if it is self defeating, why defeatist about this and only about the rest of one’s epistemology. for example, a self defeating ideology could, once it clearly recognized that smoking is a vestige of ego, would then attempt to destroy this “self”. such distinction is clearly not the work of a self-defeating entity.

how about (mild) masochism being a creative expression of the death drive [check papers]

TMIT (THE MOST INTERESTING THING) : As an alternative, the diagnosis personality disorder not otherwise specified remains in use in the DSM-5 How kind of them. It’s like saying, even though we brand you, its a special brand, way to go little timmy is in the B team but he’s the leader of the b team or something like that.a

i have sucked my own dick, it was worth the practice it took to get there. sadly i am not as flexible anymore. I think it’s the least masochist thing one could do.

hetero is a role most people grow into or are conditioned into, so someone able to eroticise and exotify it is to be envied

“ye know ye” - ye

conditioned behaviour

surreal capitalism is aliens abducting aliens

the night before it ends, i will see a dream

if people are convinced something is a tragedy, who am i to give them hope? indeed, trying to do so would be futile and dangerous, just retire.

would you rather be smart, broke and happy? or smart, rich but unhappy? i think the choice is pretty simple

don’t mistake my curiosity for my interest

how is your failure to understand me my problem again?

my regrets are few and small

snoozefest vs sunrise

the only sin here is these folks ended up offending their ancestors, what do you think happens next? i’m not sure whether this is the defining mark of a civilization in decline, but certainly, this is how it starts…?

how fix? 

ensure it doesn’t repeat

how could a story could they write starting from jealousy and hatred?