
April 5

The temperature outside is 11˚, which is cozy and there is a slight drizzle with an overcast sky which might last for a few days. I am enjoying my newfound status as a monk and am certain which way I want this tale to go. Nobody’s gonna like it, but when has that ever stopped me?

I think it was just my misfortune to run into some of the worst people on the planet, this has been a pattern in my life, I eat some narcs for breakfast and am slightly better off for it. I do think I am in for some manipulation and tactics, but these are not the truth and so a polite decline is all these guys are looking at unless they resort to violence, in which case ….

Just so everyone knows I am not lying, there are no plans to quit smoking anytime soon, I will manage and control it, but will take this habit to the grave, if only out of spite. Or not, if I can achieve a complete surrender to the body, it might be possible to truly become a monk because you can use the same formula for quitting sex as well, or even eating?

I think others and planning and plotting in vain, they should just read these notes and know that I am telling the truth here, if only here.

What a strange place the world has become! The idea is to die to the self in each moment, so that when death comes, you have enough practice.

I am starting to have some pretty nasty thoughts about these guys, so I should try to think of Mother Teresa or something when this happens.

April 6

Raining outside.

☀️ I am not acting precious or morally superior when I say I am not to be touched, just exercising my right

April 8

If old people are hell bent on living their fantasies through me,

I am hell bent on living my fantasies through them.